CompuBench RS is the first professional RenderScript benchmark testing the compute performance of heterogeneous multi-core systems of Android mobile devices supporting the RenderScript API.
CompuBench RS Tests:
Computer Vision: Face detection
Graphics: Provence (Ray tracing)
Image Processing: Gaussian blur, Histogram
Physics: Particle simulation – 4k
Throughput: Julia set, Ambient Occlusion
Please note: The benchmark needs at least 100 MB free space on the device.
You can compare your benchmark results with all the other uploaded results at our website:
If you need any help, please contact us via email!CompuBench RS adalah yang pertama profesional Renderscript patokan pengujian kinerja komputasi sistem multi-core heterogen perangkat mobile Android mendukung Renderscript API.
CompuBench RS Pengujian:
Visi Komputer: Deteksi wajah
Graphics: Provence (Ray tracing)
Pengolahan Citra: Gaussian blur, Histogram
Fisika: simulasi Partikel - 4k
Throughput: Julia set, Ambient Occlusion
Harap dicatat: patokan membutuhkan minimal 100 MB ruang bebas pada perangkat.
Anda dapat membandingkan hasil benchmark Anda dengan semua hasil upload lain di website kami:
Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, silahkan hubungi kami melalui email!